Procedures Survivors Should Follow


Safe Exit
如果你受到约会暴力、家庭暴力、性别骚扰的伤害, 报复、性别歧视、性侵犯、性骚扰或跟踪(i).e., 禁止的行为),下面的程序可能会帮助你决定下一步 that are best for you.
Seek Medical Attention Immediately
医学检查可以解决身体需求或创伤,并评估性传播 infections (STIs) or pregnancy. If you request it or if you have already reported 一名执法官员,一名性侵犯护士审查员(SANE) 或者医生将进行法医和医学检查并收集证据. Having 法医检查不需要你提交警方报告,继续进行 刑事司法程序,或向火博体育官网提交报告,但它将被保留 evidence in the event you decide to do so at a later time. Victims are encouraged 提交一份警方报告,进行刑事司法程序,或提交一份 report to Collin College if they are comfortable doing so.
注:受害者有权不举报犯罪或拒绝通知当局; including law enforcement, if they so choose.
为了进行证据收集,最好在5分钟内进行检查 (5) days (i.e., 120 hours) of the incident. It is advised that you do not shower, 洗澡,洗澡,吃饭,喝水,洗手,换衣服,刷牙, 吸烟,上厕所,打扫事故发生的地方,或者做任何事情 that may interfere with the collection of evidence. If you do change your clothes, 把你穿的衣服留着,一定要带到医院去 in a paper (not plastic) bag. It is also important to share as much information as you can remember with medical personnel. Learn more about the sexual assault exam process here.
Collin County has a mobile SANE team. If you go to any hospital in Collin County, 工作人员可以联系流动的SANE小组,他们会到那家医院来 assist you.
You can receive attention at any medical facility; however, the local hospitals listed here 有受过专门训练的工作人员来帮助约会暴力、家庭暴力的幸存者, sexual assault, and stalking. Victims 17 years of age and youner must be seen at a hospital with an approved colposcope. These hospitals are noted with an asterisk (*) in the list. 火博体育官网不提供去这些医院的交通服务.
For immediate notification to local law enforcement, dial 911. 报告发生在火博体育官网校园或财产的事件 或由火博体育官网控制的到火博体育官网警察局,打电话 972.578.5555 or dial extension 5555 from any campus phone. Contact information for local law enforcement agencies can be found here.
如果你在向执法部门报告时需要帮助,你可以问医务人员 医院的专业人员如果你接受了治疗. Additionally, if 你要求协助向执法部门报告,火博体育官网的一名官员说 will help you with the process.
注:受害者有权不举报犯罪或拒绝通知当局; including law enforcement, if they so choose.
Consider Counseling and Other Support Services
这是一个困难和紧张的时期,你可能现在或将来需要帮助 future. 考虑利用以下咨询和支持服务来帮助你 process what happened and begin healing.
个人和团体咨询课程目前免费提供给所有人 enrolled Collin College students. Counseling sessions are confidential and conducted by licensed mental health professionals. Additionally, the Counseling Services Office 能否为火博体育官网提供合适的校内和校外火博体育推荐 students and employees. For more information, contact the Counseling Services Office at 972.881.5126 or
火博体育官网为目前在读的科林提供免费的远程医疗服务 大学生,兼职员工和兼职教师通过timeelycare. Telehealth 会议是保密的,由有执照的医生、执业护士、 physician assistants, and mental health providers. This benefit is available 24 hours a day, seven (7) days a week; and there is no charge for qualified individuals to utilize TimelyCare’s services. For more information, contact TimelyCare at 833.484.6359, email, or go to
火博体育官网的员工可以联系人力火博体育部进行宣传和 support. 人力火博体育部可以为员工提供适当的帮助 and reporting to law enforcement. Additionally, the Human Resources Department provides appropriate referrals to off-campus resources. For more information, contact the Human Resources Department at 972.599.3152 or
火博体育官网为全职员工提供保密和自愿援助 及其家庭成员通过雇员援助计划(EAP). This benefit 每天24小时,每周7天,并提供多达8(8)次 per service type per year. There is no charge for full-time employees and their household members to use the EAP’s services. For more information, contact the EAP at 866.327.2400, email, or go to
Keep a Journal
写日记是很有帮助的,你可以把你能记住的一切都写下来 火博体育官网发生了什么,包括但不限于,导致 事件,事件发生的日期,事件发生的时间,任何事件的名称 潜在证人或可能有其他信息的人.
如果适用,保留所有电子邮件、骚扰信件、网上帖子、照片、短信、 voicemails, etc., as evidence.
Preserve Evidence
火博体育官网认识到,做出报告约会暴力的决定,家庭暴力 violence, sexual assault, and stalking may take time. Nevertheless, pending the decision 报告,强烈鼓励所有个人立即采取措施保护 evidence that may assist in proving the alleged criminal offense occurred; be helpful in obtaining a protective order; or assist with an investigation by the police, Collin 大学,或者两者都有,如果受害者选择报案的话. Such evidence may include, but is not limited to, the following:
1. 法医性侵犯检查在五(5)天内完成.e., 120 hours) of the incident;
2. 任何衣物、床单、毛巾或其他含有体液的材料. These 物品应存放在硬纸盒或纸袋中,而不是塑料;
3. 在可被捕获或保存的范围内的电子交换(e).g., emails; text messages; social media posts on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter);
4. Gifts and notes;
5. 照片,包括存储在智能手机、平板电脑和其他电子设备上的照片 devices;
6. Records of phone calls and voicemail messages; and
7. 任何其他可能有帮助或相关的实物、文件或电子数据 in an investigation.